Thursday, March 16, 2006

Interurban Railway Museum

Today we went to a park in Plano that had this railway museum on the property. It is a small museum but had a lot of information about the history of the railway in this area of Texas. Admission was free and we got a personal tour. Our tour guide kept the kids interest, engaging them in questions. We ended with a tour of an old train car that is kept outside the museum. This car had a post office inside as well as a passenger area. There were old advertisements inside the passenger area. I noticed that among the few food ads were ones for Campbells and Heinz. These were among the first commercialized foods in America. I had learned that while doing research for a speech I gave on the history of American food.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I have an old Heinz advertisement hanging in my bathroom, but interestingly, it's not for a food product. It's for "Swerl", which apparently was a soapless sudsing product. The ad describes it as a "washing miracle." I wonder whatever happened to it.