Thursday, May 11, 2006

My religion comes from a coloring book

Recently, David has been doing a lot of research. He is working on defining his beliefs and putting those beliefs into a religion. He has spent countless hours reading, discussing, defining and redefining these beliefs. All the work he is doing is exhausting to me. Every variation in beliefs has a different definition and a different name: Agnostics, Atheists, Existentialists, Extropians, Freethinkers, Humanists, Igtheists, Materialists, Naturalists, Objectivists, Optihumanists, Positivists, Rationalists, Secularists, Skeptics, Transhumanists, Universal Immortalists, Universists and more! It's too much for me to absorb.

I told him I don't think it should be that hard. How I want to live my life is quite simple. I showed David a coloring book that I purchased two years ago to celebrate HumanLight. It has simple statements and illustrations on each page describing good ways to live, like the above "Hurting people is wrong and helping people is good.", and "Be nice and fair to everyone, including people who are different from you." and "Be kind and careful with animals." It also has reminders of the importance of Art and Science.

I don't know the name for what I believe, but I believe everything in this book.


David Wallace Croft said...

I love the title of this blog entry. It reminds me of "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kingergarten".

That coloring book needs two more pages, one on "stealing is wrong" and another on voting. I also think we needs something like it that is available under a Creative Commons license so people can download and print.

The CrazyHumanist said...

Speaking of "Everything I Need to Know"...I have a poster that is "Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Star Wars". Not true of course...but seemed like a good idea at the time of purchase a few years ago.